Are you ready to make soul sister friendships?
We’re trained life coaches, co-founders of The Baltimore Women’s Circle, and two best friends on a mission to make friendship easy, usher in a new era of sisterhood, and empower you to embrace your cylical nature.
Welcome to The Baltimore Women’s Circle!
Are you ready to…
✓ Attract soul nourishing friendships?
✓ Feel connected and confident in your body?
✓ Express your wants and needs powerfully?
✓ End patterns of burnout and live according to your cycle?
✓ Create a life filled with adventure, pleasure, and magic?
Join our virtual membership!
Women’s Circles
Meet new friends, experience the power of sisterhood, and enjoy self-care rituals at our monthly women’s circles. Click here to find out when our next women’s circle is!
Adventure with us to beautiful destinations around the world, nourish your body with daily breathwork and yoga classes, and form lifelong friendships.
The Sanctuary Membership
The Sanctuary is a “virtual village” that’s designed to make friendship easy, support your well-being, and offer transformative trainings with us and guest teachers.
Meet Rachel & Paige
We’re Rachel Graham and Paige McCrumb: Women’s Circle Facilitators, Retreats Leaders, Life Coaches, and the Co-Founders of the Baltimore Women’s Circle
We lead in-person women’s circles, retreats, corporate gatherings, and facilitator programs for women who want to manifest friendship, connect to their bodies, harness the power of their cycles, and create lives that turn them on.
We can't wait for you to discover how rich life can feel when you’re connected to your power and feel supported by a sisterhood community.
Click below to learn more about our journeys with friendship and how we met!
There’s friendship and then there’s sisterhood. Sisterhood is family. Friendship turns into sisterhood when there’s a deep level of trust, support, and love for one another.
Our Pillars
Intimacy is the foundation for building a powerful relationship with yourself and others. Intimacy leads to self-love, self-expression, and fulfilling relationships built on honest and heartfelt communication.
Women’s Health
We believe health is wealth. Our well-being not only benefits us but also our families, communities, and mama earth. We’re all about cyclical living, eating local, and honoring our ever-changing bodies.
When you tap into your natural, creative spirit you can manifest anything. We believe that our manifestations arrive quicker and with more ease when we feel supported by community. Together, we flourish.
Success Stories
Ready to find your people and join a sisterhood community?
Upcoming events.
Check out our calendar to see when our next women’s circles, workshops, and free gatherings are happening!
Click below to join our email newsletter and get notified about upcoming gatherings, workshops, and retreats.